Restrictive Covenant Agreement: A General Guide


A restrictive covenant agreement is a legal document that includes a promise to prevent a particular party from taking a specific action against other people. In other words, a person agrees to refrain from doing something when they enter into a restrictive covenant. The same person may also stop using a particular property in a certain way that is restricted by the same agreement. Although the contract may sound confusing, it is beneficial for both parties who sign it in the long run.

Note: To learn more about a restrictive covenant agreement, watch this video.

Key Takeaways

Types of Restrictive Covenant Agreements

Several restrictive covenant agreements are available for use between companies and their respective employees. The common types include:

Enforcing a Restrictive Covenant Agreement

Certain requirements must be satisfied for a restrictive covenant agreement to be enforceable in the eyes of law. These include:

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Ways on How to Remove a Restrictive Covenant Agreement

It is a relatively straightforward process when it comes to removing a restrictive covenant agreement. However, it can be time-consuming and costly to remove the contract, which is why it is important to contact a lawyer to assist the parties with this process. The legal professional can also help everyone decide the best option for their circumstances.

Meanwhile, restrictive covenant agreements can be removed or varied in the following ways: