A draft red herring prospectus and red herring prospectus is a formal legal document that is required by and filed with the relevant government financial securities regulator, and provides details about an investment offering for sale to qualified institutional investors or to the public at large, known as retail investors. There are typically two types of prospectus; (i) the preliminary prospectus, often referred to as “red herring”, “draft red herring” or “draft red herring preliminary prospectus” (DRHP) and (ii) the Final Prospectus, also referred to as Statutory Prospectus aka Offering Circular
What Prospectus.com Can Do
For startups, or established companies or funds seeking to raise capital via a formal offering, securities regulators worldwide, as well as investors in a a private offering, require the Issuer to submit a professional preliminary red herring prospectus.The Prospectus.com team of consultants and attorneys can assist with the writing and drafting of your prospectus for financing and other securities offering documents including feasibility studies. Whether you are conducting a private or public offering for debt or equity issuance, our team can ensure that your prospectus is structured to conform with both local regulatory and global standards to maximize success in the course of completing your capital formation needs. The Prospectus.com team of consultants and attorneys can assist with the writing and drafting of your company’s red herring preliminary prospectus or other offering documents. Whether you are conducting a private or public offering for debt or equity issuance, our team can ensure that your prospectus is structured to maximize success. Here are the (7) basic steps regarding our process:
Prospectus.com can assist with your debt financing prospectus needs. We are the world leading firm that specializes in public and private prospectus writing and general business and legal document writing services.
Public Versus Private Prospectus
Some of the most common interchangeable terms in the offering document space is the usage of the word “prospectus” for both private and public offerings. Which is correct? Traditionally speaking, the term prospectus is most often associated with a public offering or listing on a stock exchange. A company going through the stages of an initial public offering must create a preliminary prospectus red herring. However, in the private placement world, it has also become common to use the term prospectus, even though the most appropriate term would be “private placement memorandum”, “PPM”, or even “offering memorandum”. Even within this narrow field, the offering memorandum or private placement memorandum (PPM) can be associated with a hedge fund or mutual fund, or a basic company raising capital. Many refer to the private placement document process by simply calling it “red herring preliminary prospectus”, as worldwide this is the most common term designated for raising capital. Our team assists with public prospectus writing and offering circular documents worldwide.
There are two type of equity offerings that are most common, private and public. Equity is essentially ownership in a company. In return for capital an investor may be given equity, or a percentage of the company. Private offerings issuers that issue equity do so often with a prospectus or an offering memorandum. Equity offering documents vary from country to country as they must comply with various federal and local state or province rules. We can assist with any private equity offering document or prospectus globally.
Draft Red Herring Prospectus Writing for Debt Securities
Bonds and Notes
Prospectus writing for debt issuance can be complicated. Debt is essentially a company giving a piece of paper, called a “note” or a “bond” to an investor with a promise to return the investor’s capital at a certain point in time (called a maturity date), and most often an interest payment (called interest rate) at a fixed time. Interest payments vary, and companies issuing debt may decide to pay interest, for example, monthly, bi-annually or yearly, or even at maturity. A preliminary prospectus red herring is needed for issuing debt, this way an investor can make an educated decision about investing. Regarding the difference between issuing notes and bonds, this depends mainly on the length of the debt. Traditionally a note is under 10 years, while a bond may exceed 10 years in length. In addition, many companies will issue convertible bonds or convertible notes. In such convertible debt, the notes or bonds will “convert” to equity at a given time, essentially making the note holder or bond holder an owner.
The Preliminary Prospectus geared for finance is the first offering document provided by the Issuer of the securities and describes the relevant details of the business and the respective transaction in question. The final prospectus is comprised of all finalized background information including the precise number of shares/certificates issued and the offering price, which is printed after the offering has been made effective.
In the case of mutual funds, a fund prospectus contains details on its objectives, investment strategies, risks, performance, distribution policy, fees and expenses associated with the fund, and details pertaining to the fund management.
A preliminary prospectus includes the name of the company issuing the stock (“Issuer”) or the mutual fund manager that is issuing shares, the amount and type of securities being sold and, for stock or equity offerings, the number of available shares. The prospectus also details whether an offering is public or private, the fees charged by the underwriters for floating shares to the investors and names of the Issuing company’s principals. A brief summary of the company’s financial information, whether the local securities regulator has approved the prospectus and other pertinent information is also included.
Fees in a Red Herring Draft Prospectus
Because the fees that most mutual funds charge is withheld from investors’ profits, the fees are listed in a table near the beginning of the prospectus. Fees for purchases, sales and transferring assets among funds are included. This simplifies comparing the costs of various mutual funds. High-cost funds have fees exceeding 1.5%, whereas low-cost funds have expenses below 1%.
Risks in a Prospectus
A prospectus is issued as a way of informing investors about the risks involved with investing in a stock or mutual fund. The information also protects the issuing company (Issuer) against potential legal claims brought by investors or other parties that claim pertinent information was not fully detailed before the investor put money into a security.
Risks are typically disclosed early in the prospectus and described in more detail later. The age of the company, amount of management experience and their specific roles or involvement in the business, and capitalization of the stock issuer are described. A table detailing which people own stock is included and is an important clue to help prospective investors determine whether the principals are holding onto their stock. If shares are being sold or liquidated by management (also known as “insiders”), there may be a financial issue with the business.
Final Prospectus aka Statutory Prospectus aka Offering Circular
BREAKING DOWN ‘Final Prospectus’
The most important difference between a final prospectus and a preliminary prospectus is that a preliminary prospectus is NOT an official offering to sell securities and the final prospectus is the official offering document and contains the price of the securities being sold.
Prospectus.com can assist with your debt prospectus needs. We are the world leading firm that specializes in public and private prospectus writing and general business and legal document writing services.